Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Netflix II

Ah, so now Netflix is going to become Netflix and Qwikster!  The fun never ends. ):  Now I'll have to maintain two queues on two different websites, plus I get two entries on my credit card each month.  Given this change, perhaps it is time to look for alternatives to one or both services.

Time to take a look at Amazon Instant Video -> Prime Eligible, which I already have access to.  If it is good enough, I'll drop Netflix for streaming.

Who is running the show at Netflix?  They have managed to go from a leading and highly regarded company, to one that is ridiculed, in about two months.

10/10/2011 update: Looks like Netflix has seen the light, and dropped the Qwikster plan.  Given the earlier missteps, that is certainly the best move to make at this point.

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